Thursday, August 23, 2018

Obedience vs Self discipline

They say, "Obedience hampers a childs growth"."it will stop tek from being self thinkers". In other cases it might create rebels out of over demanding of obedience by adults,  the system and so on. Having said all this, isn't obedience considered one of
 the virtues; the quality one must possess. Then there is a phrase which says 'the person who knows to obey only can know to lead'. So where do we draw the line.  This is where the word self-discipline comes to the picture- each person following some basic rules true to himself. Can initiation of obedience bring aboit self discipline?
Obedience to most means submission to anothers' authority. But often we forget that it can also mean compliance with an order,  rule or command.  A thin line of demarcation where each person thinks, complies, and then follow; as against where one authority commands and the rest follow without any understanding or compliance, which is no good than feudalism.

So when we teach or introduce our children to the term obedience let's not curb their way of thinking, their queries..  Let's address those doubts and thoughts that night arise as to why he/she is asked to obey and then seek their compliance, agreement and lead them into self discipline. Let's not make them puppets who just follow. 

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Hold my sways as I behold you With your divine flute -playing That strums my heart and it sings My limbs then come alive in a dance ...