Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Man is a social being and we thrive on our connections with each other. 
A simple smile, a handshake, a hug or just an understanding nod from a friend suffices to make us feel loved. 
Sometimes we need to be that strong pillar for someone to hold on to and there might be other instances where we have to seek support to tread along. Whichever the case being real and true to oneself and the world is the only respite.

 'Fake until you make it' -won't serve any larger purpose for most of us may not know when we can stop faking. And each day the person we stare at in the mirror gradually becomes a complete stranger. So then whose life are we living?! We need not be that perfect friend, wife, sister or mother. We just have to be the perfect human with all our flaws, with all our limitations, who strive and seek to be better each day patiently.

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Hold my sways as I behold you With your divine flute -playing That strums my heart and it sings My limbs then come alive in a dance ...