Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just like that

I can still see that day when I was walking by the brook by myself and there you were sitting starring at the flowing waters…. Perhaps thinking of me… or lost in your own world of imagination…. Yes I can see you sitting there even now. The green waters of the brook reflecting the white cheeks and the rosy lips and those flying curly hair of copper……you looked so calm and serene just like Greek goddess sitting yeah like Venus sitting there in anticipation of a miracle to happen... yes then there I came and stood starring at you and seeing my reflection in the green waters you smiled at me not turning your head.. May be you thought that you were dreaming that I was standing there… but I smiled back at you and called your name softly...:And then realizing that it was true you startlingly turned towards me with that wonderful smile that I have seen no where else… and held my extended hand with your eyes cast down.. I couldn't help but feel amazed at the long eyelashes so beautifully curved. Felt like touching them softly….

Then we stood there hand in hand in our own paradise….. Just so complete and contained in our own world of happiness. Not a word uttered a blissful silence and only the flowing stream murmuring a love song……………..


Muhammad Usman Jamil said...

Your imagination power looks good. But there is a big difference between imagination and reality.

Gudden-Online Shopping India said...
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anupama said...

Hey! welcome to my blog.

yeah! there may be a huge difference, but this particular one can happen can't it?


Hold my sways as I behold you With your divine flute -playing That strums my heart and it sings My limbs then come alive in a dance ...